What To Do If Your Energy Supplier Forces A Prepayment Meter Installation?

Forced Fitting of PPMs

With the concern of rising energy bills comes an unwelcome reality for many of us. The increased usage of gas and electricity often translates to higher bills. This  adds an extra layer of stress in the face of the already high cost of living. Unfortunately, for some, balancing these essential costs is impossible, and therefore […]

Weathering the Storm: Your Rights and Compensation Amid Power Outages

Weathering the Storm: Your Rights and Compensation Amid Power Outages

With winters comes the worry of storms as they are very frequent during this season. Sometimes storms leave people without power for hours, disrupting our daily lives. But here’s some good news – you don’t have to weather the storm alone. In fact, you might be entitled to compensation from your energy supplier.   Understanding […]

Navigating Rising Energy Costs: Tips, Tricks, and Home Heating Support Fund

With Ofgem recently announcing that the price cap will increase by 5 per cent from January, energy costs are just as much on people’s minds as they were this time last year – with many understandably worried about their finances.   There are funds available to support those who need it most, whether they find […]