Weathering the Storm: Your Rights and Compensation Amid Power Outages

With winters comes the worry of storms as they are very frequent during this season. Sometimes storms leave people without power for hours, disrupting our daily lives. But here’s some good news – you don’t have to weather the storm alone. In fact, you might be entitled to compensation from your energy supplier.


Understanding Storm Categories

Before diving into the compensation details, let’s understand storm categories. They are classified based on the number of faults in a 24-hour period, a metric you may not automatically know. If you experience a power outage due to a storm, reach out to your network provider to find out the storm category.

Category 1: 8 to 12 times the daily average faults in a 24-hour period.

Category 2: More than 12 times the daily average faults in a 24-hour period.

Initial Compensation: Getting Back on Track

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being without power, compensation is available.

Category 1: £80 compensation kicks in if your supply isn’t restored after 24 hours.

Category 2: You’re entitled to £80 compensation if your supply isn’t restored after 48 hours.

The support doesn’t stop there. For both storm categories, you can receive an additional £40 for every 6 hours you’re without power after the initial restoration period, up to a maximum compensation amount of £2000.

Regulatory Insights

This compensation is outlined under the Guaranteed Standards of Performance that network distributors must meet. Failing to meet these standards can result in fines from OFGEM, ensuring that service providers stay accountable.

Should you ever find yourself in need of compensation and have not received it, the first step is to raise your concerns with your network operator. If, after 8 weeks, your issues remain unresolved, you can escalate the matter to the Energy Ombudsman.

So, the next time a storm knocks out your power, remember that you have rights and options. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your network provider and claim the compensation you deserve. After all, weathering the storm should not mean sacrificing your comfort and peace of mind.